Thursday, February 2, 2012

What is Barefoot Farm????

I am frequently asked this question and to this question, I answer, "It's where we live."

Soon after finding our perfect piece of paradise we began talking about our goals and dreams and what we wanted to accomplish living in the country.  I had already shared my dream, which was building a house that was "ours", meaning it was well thought out and designed for us by us.  Ken, being an avid gardener already, wanted a place where his gardens could be limitless.  I mean, the man can garden!  Flowers, vegetables, fruit, he can grow it all...and WOW, does he look good doing it!...oh, sorry... yes, the man can garden!  We decided that we wanted to give our place a name, a name that would just fit, describe the look and feel of it, and something that just encompassed our casual way of life on a "farm" where you won't find big tractors and equipment, no grain bins or silos, no cows or pigs, and absolutely no pesticides!  Just two people, dogs, cats, some chickens and ducks and the occasional other fowl, and lots and lots of gardens.  Well, it did not take us long to come up with the perfect name for our new homestead.  The pictures say it all...

Yes, you will frequently find Ken barefoot in his gardens, this is a practice he has had for a very long time, and so when he said, "we should call our place Barefoot Farm", I knew it was perfect!  Besides the fact that the name fit for an obvious reason, I also felt it described the general feel of our land... casual, comfortable, kind, and pleasant...a place where you would feel comfortable barefoot!  And so it was born.

I guess we could have called it "Barefoot And Shirtless Farm"...I told you he looked good!!!...;-)

So, I have had the idea of this blog for a long time, and being an unfamiliar task have procrastinated it's beginnings.  As I sat at my computer last night to explore how to set up a blog, I had no intention to actually get it started right then, but I just started typing and the words came and I thought, well, you've got to start somewhere!  So I obsessed all day (I tend to over think things) over whether or not I can actually do this... will I be able to figure it out?, will I stick with it?, will I look like a dummy?... and the answer is, I don't know, but I am committed to giving it a try.  I am so far humbled by the words of encouragement and support of some of my dear friends and family (what would we do without Facebook).

I was anxious to get home this evening to continue working on my idea and how I would execute the blog of Barefoot Finds and Designs.  My goals are, as I mentioned, to share my passion of all things home decor and design, some of my creations and inspirations, and my love for cooking, baking and entertaining in my home.  I also want to use this blog as a way to chronicle and share our journey in the "pioneering" of Barefoot Farm.  Now, my obsessive compulsive self was already worrying about how I would do this in such a uniform fashion and then my creative self chimed in, with a voice of reason, and decided that I will do all of the above, but in a random way so as to keep my readers interested (I hope).  So, as I post, you will see my life... the people (and animals) in it, my home, my obsessions, my finds, and all other random things that I find worthwhile to share.

Stay tuned...

Stacy K

1 comment:

  1. I already knew all of those things, but I still love reading about them and the way you describe everything. Can't wait to check back to see what you've posted next.. keep them coming! :)
